Last week, we read a great article by Joyce Valenza on her NeverEndingSearch blog in School Library Journal. She mentions several excellent resources for digital curation, and as you might imagine, one of them happens to be our favorite – the LibGuides Community. Here’s a quick excerpt:
Lately, I find myself using LibGuides in ways never expected.
Sure, as a member of the community, I can ask a fellow curator if I might use his/her guide as a template in building my own. But way more often, I simply link to the Guides of others as resources or links in my own guides. You don’t have to be a paying member of the community to do that.
I know very little about genealogy, or gardening, or classical music, or sports, or physics. But somewhere out there, some really smart librarian does. He or she knows a lot and understands the context of searching within that area of expertise. And while they sometimes link to location-specific proprietary databases, very often the resources they list and the advice they offer transcend their local clients.
The full article (a great read!) can be found here: My secret search/curating weapon
We were excited to read Joyce’s article, in part because it’s a timely coincidence with something we’ve been cooking up recently. We’re gearing up to put together a revamp of the LibGuides Community search page and functionality – we want to make it *even easier* for you to discover the guides and content you need.
If you have ideas on what you’d like to see in the new Community site (multi-faceted searching? More filtering/limiting options? New search parameters? New functionality?) we’d really love to hear from you! Please share any suggestions, wishes, and ideas in the comments.